Universal Multi Holed Post Moulds

Bonaprene take the buffer

New High technology Cast Polyurethane Dispenser

New Dispenser for Making Rigid Skin Polyurethane Foam Moulded Parts

Bonaprene’s latest installation is a Hennecke-OMS Impact Series 6 Low Pressure Foam Metering Dispenser. This Low Pressure Foam Dispenser expands Bonaprene’s rigid skin polyurethane foam moulded parts facility. Bonaprene process a 2-component rigid medium-density polyurethane foam for making integral skin foam moulded parts.  Bonaprene  use these dispensers to make a wide range of rigid integral skin polyurethane floats for use by the heavy industrial pump making industry. Bonaprene supply all the major original pump equipment manufacturers around the world.  As well as floats for pumps Bonaprene use the same process and material for making plastering trowel floats. These trowel floats provide the plastering industry with a product that is light, tough and rigid; all the requirements for wall and ceiling plastering in the building industry.

Hennecke-OMS Impact Series 6 Low Pressure Foam Metering Machine

Mazak Milling Centre VCN430A Smooth G Control Installed

The installation at Bonaprene of the latest large capacity Covestro Omega polyurethane dispenser further expands Bonaprene’s capabilities to supply the customer with the markets most technologically advanced and capable polyurethane elastomers. Able to cope with the highest of output rates and the largest casting sizes Bonaprene’s latest acquisition is an investment in both polyurethane technology and relentless customer focus. Bonaprene further cements their position in the forefront of the cast polyurethane industry.

Covestro/Baulé Omega Polyurethane Dispenser

Bonaprene’s new Polyurethane Dispenser

Bonaprene have installed the latest large capacity Covestro Omega polyurethane dispenser. This dispenser further expands Bonaprene’s capabilities to supply the customer with the markets most technologically advanced and capable polyurethane elastomers. The new dispenser is able to cope with the highest of output rates and the largest casting sizes. This dispenser can produce hardnesses from 35 Shore A to 95 Shore A. The colours of polyurethane that the dispenser can produce include red, blue, orange, white, yellow, black and green. Bonaprene’s latest acquisition is an investment in both polyurethane technology and relentless customer focus. Bonaprene further cements their position in the forefront of the cast polyurethane industry.

Covestro/Baulé Omega Polyurethane Dispenser

Bonaprene New Website Launch

We’re delighted about the launch of our brand new website! Thanks for taking the time to have a look around, we hope you like it as much as we do. Our new website has been designed specifically with our customers in mind, so you can find everything you’re looking for. You can find out more about what we do, the sectors we work with, the materials we use and the products we make. We’ve got a couple of case studies too, so you can read about some projects we’ve completed. If you have any questions or queries you’d like to discuss, it would be great to hear from you.

Factory Extension at Bonaprene

Bonaprene have completed their latest factory extension of 10,000 sq foot (1,000m2) factory extension to bring the total floor space to 40,000 sq foot (4,000m2). This new space is allowing an increase in production of both then company’s polyurethane casting production as well expanding the machining and tool making shop. Not only will new equipment be installed but also better production flows will be able to be achieved. The next stage will see an expanded office and storage facility in 2017.

Euromould joins Bonaprene

Euromould joins Bonaprene

Bonaprene Products are pleased to announce the purchase of Euromould Supplies Limited from Steve and Wendy Slack. On the first of December 2016 Bonaprene purchased all the shares of Euromould Supplies. The move brings two of the biggest names in polyurethane parts for the concrete industry together, especially in the markets of concrete tee beam flooring and concrete fencing post. Steve is working closely with Bonaprene over the next nine months to support this amalgamation both technically and supporting all our important customers. Both companies have always shared the same urethane material technology but can now share the different tooling and product design processes we have developed to give wider choice to our concrete customers.