Bonaprene manufacture a wide range of products for Concrete Products Manufacturers supplying the Construction Industry.
Bonaprene manufacture polyurethane parts to manufactures of concrete products.
Manufactures of concrete Tee or T beams use Bonaprene’s polyurethane Tee Beam Stop Ends. Prestressed concrete Tee beam manufacture for concrete block flooring systems is a very aggressive environment. Concrete T beam manufacture combines stressed steel wires; vibration, heated steel beds, curing concrete and tee beam de-moulding forces. Bonaprene combine specialist polyurethane and twenty-five years of Tee Beam Stop End design to make the Bonaprene Tee Beam Stop Ends. The Bonaprene polyurethane Tee Beam Stop Ends allow for ease of fitting when the Tee beam bed is being prepared. When the concrete T beams are being de-moulded the Bonaprene Tee Beam Stop Ends allow for the access of both concrete Tee beam lifting equipment as well as concrete Tee beam turning.
The manufacture of concrete lintels in concrete casting beds also use Bonaprene’s polyurethane stop ends. Concrete lintel manufacture again is an aggressive environment of stressed steel wires; vibration, heated steel beds, curing concrete and concrete lintel de-moulding forces. Bonaprene’s specialist polyurethane and stop end design ensures well defined concrete lintel ends combined with ease of fitting at concrete lintel bed set up and ease of de-moulding the concrete lintels when the steel lintel bed is being stripped.
Bonaprene supply complete Moulds for the manufacture of concrete garden, path and kerb edgings. Full round concrete edgings require flexible polyurethane liners to obtain the correct curve and the Bonaprene design allows efficient de-mould of the concrete edging.
Bonaprene manufacture a comprehensive range of polyurethane and steel moulds for the manufacture of concrete fence posts and concrete gravel boards. A great deal of information on these products can be found on this Bonaprene Products web site. Click on the PRODUCTS tab at the top and choose from Slotted Post Moulds, Recessed Post Moulds or Gravel Board Moulds.
Associated products for concrete parts manufacture can also be found in this PRODUCTS section. Bonaprene supply Safease release agent for concrete fence post and concrete gravel board manufacture that is developed to be used in conjunction with the polyurethane and plastic part of these Bonaprene concrete moulds. Bonaprene supply Plastic Spacers for Rebar Support. These Plastic Spacers support the steel rebar that strengthens the concrete slotted fence post or gravel board. The plastic Spacers ensure the rebars location and stops steel rebar corroding by exposure to rust causing damp in the air.
Please contact us on 01978 661478 should you require further information. Our Technical Sales Team will be happy to assist with your enquiry.